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Our July Book Group will be meeting for four afternoons in July, beginning on Tuesday, July 2nd at 1:30 p.m.  and together reading the book, You Were Made for This Moment by Max Lucado.  He asks, “do you sometimes feel weary, worn out or have a heart that keeps aching?” If so, this book with its focus on the Book of Esther reminds us that - Relief will come!


To be clear, we don’t ask for our struggles, but we can know that God is with us in this difficult season.


Queen Esther learned this truth firsthand. When confronted with a royal decree that would annihilate her people, she had to make some tough choices. Would she remain silent in the face of this challenge, or would she speak up? Would she blend in, or would she stand out? But after Esther spent three days in prayer and fasting, God gave her the courage to speak up. God used her to save the nation. And God can do the same – help us and use us to be there for others as well, even in the midst of a difficult season.  God never promised us a life without trials, but does promise to be with us as we walk through them. Trusting that God can redeem our struggles for a mighty purpose. You were made for this moment.

Meeting Dates

Tuesday, July 2 @ 1:30 p.m.
Tuesday, July 9 @ 1:30 p.m.  
No meeting on July 16th
Tuesday, July 23 @ 1:30 p.m.
Tuesday, July 30 @ 1:30 p.m. 

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