Hope, Hope-less

I hope
I have hope
People will be kinder
People will love more
People will share with others
I hope
But the news is full
Of happenings that
Cause me to hope - less
People take out frustration
And anger on people they
Don't know -- they shoot
a gun, drive a car
into a crowd
People smash windows
And doors to steal
Whatever they can carry
And I hope - less and less
What can help me hope - more
A group of young people
Shovel the driveways of
Senior citizens after a
Snowstorm --
I have hope
A synagogue is set on fire
And burns to the ground
The church down the street
Offers their fellowship
Building to the
Congregation for the Friday
Evening Shabbat
There is hope
A car goes into a lake and
The driver is trapped
Passerby witness the accident
And rush to the driver's aid
I hope more
Karen Schoeppach