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Not Your Grandmother's VBS

A Devotional

by Judy Hudson

Astronaut MikeyWay: Mission Control! Mission Control! We have a problem!!! Over!

Mission Control: This is Mission Control. Over.

MikeyWay: We have 60 children and 25 helpers here in the bedazzled Westminster Sanctuary. The energy is high from dancing! The children are bouncing in the pews from seeing their friends! And, the noise from singing new songs and shouting God’s praise is deafening! Quick! Start today’s Bible story video! Start the video now!! Over.

Mission Control: We have pushed the red button! We have pushed the read button! Over.

The Bible story came on the monitors. The 60 plus children became silent. You could have heard a pin drop in the sanctuary.

This was how Westminster 2023 Vacation Bible School began each day.

The video Bible stories played were:

Monday: Luke 2:1-20, Jesus comes as a baby

Tuesday: Luke 9:1-9, Jesus accepts Zacchaeus

Wednesday: Luke 19:8-4, Jesus enters Jerusalem

Thursday: John 19-20, Jesus cares for his Mother

Friday: Acts 8:26-29, Jesus helps the Ethiopian

With amazing Bible story improve, real life video clips, engaging science experiments, out this world crafts, space camp treats, and Galactic games, the children focused on Jesus’ life and responded: “Shine Jesus’ LIght!”

It wasn’t your Grandma’s Vacation Bible School

Not many sat in a chair for the whole week! Fast walking (running) was the mode of space transportation and positive Christian energy was thick in the air! This prayer was written and repeated by Crew 6 each day before their snack:

Dear God, Thank you for Bible School

Help us to have a happy day. Amen.

May it be so as the older generation is dragged into the younger generations video stories and games, computers and cell phones. Let the children teach us that we all can still: “Shine Jesus’ light!”



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