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Pause for Prayer

By Karen Schoeppach

The past few weeks have been filled with loss of life, property, and some of God’s wonders. Fires, storms, and floods have been so destructive. People losing their lives as they try to flee flames, children pulled from their parents’ arms as flood waters sweep past, homes and businesses destroyed, and land damaged causing despair. Those of us who have been spared from these disasters need to share what we have to help the victims. Money, supplies, and volunteer workers can make all the difference to those who are suffering. And, although to some it doesn’t seem important, our prayers for strength, for God’s healing, for hope, and for patience brings comfort.

Father, we are saddened at the losses suffered by so many in these past few weeks. It is difficult to understand why so many must suffer so much. For some, one disaster follows another. We pray that all will receive Your blessings so that they may find a way to keep moving forward and know that You are always present and will never fail them. This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.



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