Pause for Prayer

By Karen Schoeppach
If You Are Not Like Me
If you are not like me,
how can I trust you?
If you are not like me,
how do I talk to you?
If you are not like me,
how can I share my treasure, time, and talents with you?
If you are not like me,
that must mean that I am not like you.
How do you trust me?
How can you talk to me?
How can you share your treasure, time, and talents with me?
My beliefs might be too different from yours.
We are not like each other, as God has made us each our own person. Yet, there are things that are the same. There are things that may be different, but we can accept these differences and move forward. We don’t have to be just alike in order to share with each other. If we can open our minds and hearts to each other, then trust can be forged between us, and God will celebrate His children.
God, we pray for the wisdom to put the teachings of Jesus into practice. We pray for minds and hearts that will be open to accept and love all our brothers and sisters, all Your children. Because of the sacrifice of Your son, Jesus, we know You hear our prayers. Amen.