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Summer Devotional Series


There are many well-know figures in the Bible; we spent the Lenten season learning more about Peter, Jesus’ beloved disciple.  During last year’s Christmas pageant, we heard the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah.  This summer, with “Faces of Our Faith”, we have an opportunity to hear and delve into stories of some not-so-well known individuals and their faith journeys.   


This will be both the summer worship-sermon series as well as the Thursday evening Zoom Bible study series.  Beginning on Thursday, June 20th at 7 PM via Zoom we will consider the faith of Philemon and how his life as an early Christian speaks to ours today.  Then throughout the next 8 weeks we will look at THE CHARACTERS of • Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego (Daniel 3) • Puah & Shiphrah (Exodus 1) • Queen Vashti (Esther 1) • Jonah (Jonah 4) •Mary Magdalene (Mark 16)  to name a few.  Each week we will be reading about the character’s life story, read a short devotional, and then reflect on how these lesser known Bible characters still speak to us today as we navigate this world in our journey of faith. 


The Study Journal (similar to the devotional booklets we used in our Lenten Peter series) have been developed by Sanctified Arts to enhance this Bible study series and are available in the church office.  Please contact Rev. Linda with any questions. 

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